Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Final Piece

My final didnt exactly turn out as successful as i had hoped. The original pattern i loved in my last prototype i made didnt transfer to my final for some reason. Something about the size difference mustve messed with the pattern. I am pleased with the added effect of the oil gradient i chose to execute as a hidden design that plays with the light. Over all i dont find my project looking as finished and successful as i had hoped. But over all im glad it turned out looking relatively pleasing to the eye and i am still proud with what i accomplished.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

final prototype

I wasn't fully comfortable with jumping right into my final idea without trying it out fully on a smaller prototype first. So I made one and attempted to work out as many kinks as i could ahead of time.

10 illustrations

Monday, December 16, 2013

beginning final

Ive now began my final process. After conversing with others I came to the conclusion to make some changes to my beginning forms when making the final. We decided the oil excentuated the light best and gave the fixture a surprising aspect which we enjoyed. We also decided to add closure to the piece instead of leaving the inside visible. Also the way its presented will be different than my original idea as well. I am in the beginning stages of this process and still have a long way to go.


I have decided on a basic outline of  a form that I would like to pursue. It's a wheel like figure with receding folds towards the center making it in my opinion quite beautiful and pleasing to the eye. Ive been experimenting with different methods of binding and different processes of construction. Now I am just working out final kinks before i start my final piece. Im still experimenting with different cut designs and different oils as an extra aspect to the fixture.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Were starting to narrow down our three main ideas for construction and manipulation. Im really interested in the punctured aspect and the way it gives the light a twinkling effect. I also love the effect oil has on the paper. And I'd like to keep experimenting with different folds and they're different play on the light and its over all design.

New light design project

For our final piece we are expected to create some type of light fixture. In the beginning we were just experimenting with different ways of working with the paper and manipulating light with it. I experimented with different folds and cutting for the most part. I also experimented with hairspray and oils with the combination of heat.
After a while with messing with my favorite folds i stumbled across a fold i really enjoyed. it was a classic fan fold folded horizontally against the creases and pinched like a fan on one side. using this fold i was able to produce a wheel effect. Im planning on experimenting more with this.