Tuesday, April 22, 2014


For our final project we are constructing a graphic book of different artists. These are some book covers that have inspired me with their use of negative space and unique communication.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Final Design

I am overall really pleased with how my final turned out. I feel like the design really mirrors my objects aesthetics and meaning. It turned out exactly like how I had hoped for the most part which is way better than I had expected it to. One of my favorite additions to the design is the twig like tree. I feel as though it is unexpected and resembles the meaning of the object really well. If I were to do this project over again I would probably change the lid. I would've liked to try and do as what was mentioned during my critique, of somehow designing a light hole to the inside instead of having the repetition of color like in my original design. But overall, like I mentioned before, I am pleased with my work.

creating the final

The process of shaping and creating the final vessel was a long, hard and laborious process. Working with wood is very time consuming and hard to predict, in time wise, how long a specific step is going to take. This project taught me a lot about time management and I am thankful for everything I learned during this process.


Before we could begin working on our final piece of wood we were given some practice time on some spare wood. I personally practiced cutting the wood into different leaf shapes and tested several time how the machines would handle. After this process I felt a lot more comfortable on the machines than I would have.

Final idea

When we had finally narrowed a somewhat final idea we made prototypes out of cardboard to further our understanding of what our final vessel would look like.


To expand upon our beginning ideas our assignment was to sketch 10 more ideas for one or more of our objects. I chose to expand upon ideas for a vessel for my ring. This object held the most meaning to me and therefore I was the most passionate about designing for it in comparison to my other chosen objects. I loved this brainstorming process because it was really fun pushing myself and my creativity and witnessing what I could come up with if I really applied myself.

Monday, April 14, 2014

beginning brain storming

For our next project we are expected to create a vessel for a meaningful object. Our first assignment was to brainstorm different ideas for three different objects. I chose my ring, shot glasses, and pencils. My brainstorming included word maps and idea sketches.