Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Finalizing Jacket Design

Once I had decided on my design theme I had tweaked a couple things in my overall jacket and came up with two choices just to keep my options open even though I ended up going with the first choice after all. 

Finalizing themed design

After finally picking the themed design for my jacket I could go back and tweak/ finish all the pages to follow which included my final title pages and my final table of contents. I decided to go with the simpleness of the lines because I felt as though it demonstrated better design qualities oppose to my circular configuration of before. I'm pleased with what this design communicates and represents.

Real title pages and refined contents

After I had really nailed down the direction of my jackets I designed a couple ideas for title pages depending on which direction I chose to go. I also refined two of the table contents in the process of narrowing down my final theme of design.


Furthering our design process we were expected to design three jacket or book cover options for our book. Given I had already mapped out mostly the styles I was going to choose from, the process of expanding those designs was fun and not very difficult.

Bios and contents

Our next assignment was to start designing ideas for our bios and table of contents. I played with several ideas for each that in my mind could go with whatever jacket/ theme I went with for the overall personal design of my book.

Title Pages

Our next assignment was to begin the layout of our title pages. Slightly misunderstanding the assignment I started designing my cover instead and came up with three/ fourish different design ideas for my the front of my book jacket.

2nd set

After our critique over our three different spreads I was advised to show more of Armin Hofmann in his own way instead of imposing what I thought to be similar to him. This made complete sense to me and I really appreciated the direction I was given and was excited to improve my ideas.

beginning spreads

Beginning the process for our final project we were assigned the task of designing three spreads that capture our artist and who they were. I actually really enjoyed this assignment and coming up with different designs and ways to express my designer Armin Hofmann. These were some of my beginning designs.