Thursday, October 10, 2013

Understanding Comics

Reading Notes

Understanding the world of icons. Nothing are actually what they seem. They are just icons used to represent real things.
Icon: any image used to represent a person, place thing, or idea
Icons are made up of symbols, language, science, communication, and even pictures to resemble their subjects
Some icons represent invisible ideas
Words are abstract icons
Why obsessed with cartoons?
They have the ability to focus our attention on an idea

We have the ability to see faces wherever we go in everything
The cartoon is a vacuum into which our identity and awareness are pulled
Our ability to see human features in inanimate objects allows us to make inanimate objects into things that are useful to us today
The amount of realistic or cartoonish qualities in a comic tells us what to connect with and connect to within the story.
Pictorial vocabulary is represented by language in the picture plane
Object picture plane is where lines and shapes are themselves and nothing else.
The more advanced a comic is based on the amount of realism depicted in the comics and the amount of description in the dialogue.

In understanding the world of comics comes with first understanding the world of icons. Which is the understanding that nothing is actually as it seems. We us them to represent the any image of a person, place, thing, or idea. Icons are made up of symbols, language, science, communication, and even pictures to resemble their subjects. Some represent invisible ideas and some are abstract icons like words. 
Cartoons give us the ability to focus our attention on an idea. Our minds give us the ability to see faces and human qualities in everything we see. This allows us to make inanimate objects into things we find useful. In masking, the amount of realistic or cartoonish qualities in different aspects of the comic tells us what to connect to within the story.
Pictorial vocabulary is represented by language within the picture plane while the object picture plane is where lines and shapes are just as is and nothing else. The more advanced a comic is, is based on the amount of realism depicted in the comics and the amount of description in the dialogue.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Other Research

Thumb sucking and sippy cups can cause similar problems.
"If a child goes from the breast or the bottle to a sippy cup, they tend to drink it as if it were a bottle. They lie back or tip their neck in the usual manner, so it's almost like drinking a bottle,they have a hard object or spout with various shapes depending on the type of cup, and their bodies are tipped back. This hard object or spout misplaces the tongue and pushes the teeth out as the thumb can."
Steer clear of sippy cups and use straws instead.
Today, we are kind of spoiled and not as used to a mess when a cup spills, but that's a mistake," Holtzman says. Instead of cups with spouts, use cups with straws or simply place a straw in a paper or plastic cup.

Sippy Cup Reviews

Sippy Cups or Straw Cups?

Opinion 1:We have one straw cup and my child still tips it back really far as if he is drinking out of a sippy cup.  I like the straw cup better but we stick with the sippy cup because they are easier to clean and he is still new coming off the bottle.

Opinion 2: I like the straw cups, but they are harder to keep clean than sippy's. My child tends to play with the lid and pop it on and off to squirt with the straw. Very messy. I haven't heard of anything bad happening to a child from drinking out of a sippy.

Opinion 3: My little boy never liked sippy cups so he has always uses straws to drink he is now two yrs old and he's still with straws which is really good for their teeth. But a sippy cup is always good because there are no messes

Opion 4: We just started using some of the sippies with straws, which my kids love. An EI speech therapist also told us that these are better to suck on for speech development too.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

IDEO Video Summary

In the design field, corporations are much different from your average business corporation. They encourage craziness and wackiness. The bosses encourage to be defied and make sure everyone has a voice. There the boss doesn’t make all the rules and there isn’t just one person in charge. In the design work place it’s the person with the most interesting idea who has the floor. There you don’t get the job because of your experience and wisdom, you get the job from your ideas and what you are able to come up with. It’s truly a place where creativity is key. They promote chaos and playfulness. They follow the motto of act first and ask for forgiveness later.
In the video it is obvious there is a process to the madness. There is a brainstorming process where the ideas are encouraged in quantity and not quality. The crazier the better. Then the ideas are voted on and after gathering information from outside sources and the teams are put to work on their prototypes. The design corporation is very different from any other business corporation. They are unique, chaotic, but very successful in their methods.