Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Photography Essay

Through this reading I learned about the examination of a central division in photography between documents and pictures. The reading takes the reader through the argument between photography abjuring any consideration of art and focus instead on the instrumental forms and mass practices. Photography hasn’t always been viewed as artistically as it can be viewed today. Photography was almost known as lazy and took no artistic interference. But as it came to be that photos made exact replicas of things it was argued that photography could be used to save artists’ effort, labor, and time and freed them to concentrate on a more creative aspect with their work.
This reading really educated me on the history of photography and its many phases through artists and society. I can connect this reading and its importance of equality to this class assignment with its ability to educate the reader on the many aspects of photography and its history. By gaining a full understanding of photography and documents it enables the student to be more aware of the pictures they are taking. If they are aware of the history artists have had with the different stages of photography it will help them gain an overall understanding of photography as art and not as lazy picture taking. This understanding will help with the students over all work in this project given most of the final parts are the use of photos throughout the process.

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