Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Masters of Illusion Summary

The Masters of Illusion Video was based on the beginning concepts found in the renaissance. Illusions were inspired by the challenge of taking something flat and making it appear three dimensional. The concept of illusions began in Florence, Italy where it strives as the renaissance monument. Here was where a famous renaissance artist discovered the formula to perspective and vanishing points. The first known painting to demonstrate true linear perspective and the science of art was the “Trinity”.  And Albrecht Durer was the one of the earliest examples of multiple point perspective. Leonardo Da Vinci was clever enough to study the eye for perspective and how light traveled into it to manipulated two-dimensional works. Soon the perspective of disappearance and the study of foreground compared to background began to take effect in paintings. The findings these renaissance men discovered are techniques we still use today which makes this video all the more important and interesting to analyze and understand.

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