Monday, February 2, 2015

Thinking Form

Paul Rand

One of the most famous graphic designers. His corporate identity  is well known as IBM, EF, and ABC. He went to Parson school of Design after Harren High school and was highly influenced by Cassandre and Moholy Nagy. By 23 he was an art director for the Esquire’s fashion pages. He also inspires through his writing.
I chose these works because I was drawn to them the most. I was drawn to the simplicity of the ups logo and the uniqueness of the 80's poster. I was also drawn to the colorful cropped composition of the second poster. My favorite, however, would have to be the simplified hierarchy treatment in the last poster for "direction". It's simple yet very communicative. 

Bruno Monguzzi 
Bruno was born on August 21, 1941 and studied graphic design at Ecole des arts decoratifs in Geneva. He received a scholarship to study photography and typography as well as gestalt psychologyHis career began at Studio Boggeri in milan in 1961. I find the contrast of his work very inspiring. I love how all of his stuff can have completely different feels and messages to them. His work can very from simple and strong, to three dimensionally mesmerizing, to even bazar and impressive artwork. 

Dan Friedman
He was born on August 5, 1945, in Cleveland, Ohio. He studied at the Carnegie Institute of Technology from 1963-1967. He then pursued his education at the Ulm School of design for a year. He studied under Wolfgang Weigngart and Armin Hofmann. After he finished his education he returned to the US to teach at Yale university. I find his work to be a nice contrast of heavy and lighter elements. I enjoy the lightness and simplicity of his work along with the bolder statements and composition of others.

Jan Tschicchold was born on April 2nd, 1902 in Leipzig, Germany. HE studied at the Akademie fur Graphiwche Kunste und Buchgewerbe in Leipzip and the Kunstgewerbeschule in Dresen. Tschichold taught typography and lettering. He's made many lettering books with his depth of knowledge on typography. The works I chose of his stood out to me for their simple and bold layouts which show strong and dramatic uses of white space to a communicative advantage. His use of color is minimal yet dramatic and use of line and shape aids the message instead of distract from it. 

Matthew Carter
Carter was born on October 1, 1937 in London, United Kingdom. At 20 he went to the Netherlands to study punch cutting under P.H. Raedisch, and Jan Van Krimpen the assistant. He soon became a type designer with the help of his father Harry Carter. In 1965 he moved to the US to take position at Mergenthaler Linotype in New York. I found his different studies of type interesting and they made me really appreciate the science behind constructing different typefaces and what it means to be successful at it.  

Alan Fletcher
Fletcher was born on Sept. 27, 1931 in Narobi, kenya. Fletcher returned to England in 1936. He studied at the Hammersmith School of Art and then continued at the central School of Art where he studied under Anthony Froshaug. He moved to the USA for his scholarship to study at the School of Architecture and Design at Yale University under ALvin Esenman, Norman Ives, Herber Matter, and Paul Rand. Alan Fletchers work interests me because of the interesting range of styles he explores through his work. From his simple elegant logo design to his loud and visually communicative posters. I personally have a soft spot for his beautiful logo design. 

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