Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Errol Morris on Photography Summary

I found his views on photographs to be very unique and interesting. I liked how he spoke of photographs being connected to the physical world. I like hearing photography talked about in such a universal and meaningful way, as if there’s so much more to it than what meets the eye or what other people have made it out to be. I love how he speaks of his work and how he has tried to recover that original connection the photograph has to the physical world. I found it unique the way he talked about whether a photograph could be truthful or honest and how most people believe photographers shouldn’t stage their shot, or pose their shot, otherwise it isn’t true. And Morris’s response was there’s no such thing as a false or true photo. every shot it somewhat posed. In his words “ Isn’t there always an elephant just outside the frame?” Meaning, every photographer when choosing their shot chooses what to include and what not to include, therefore posing the photograph. I thoroughly enjoyed Errol Morris’s view on photography.

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