Thursday, March 5, 2015

Chip Kidd Reflections

Chip Kidd on Designing Books

            I found this Ted Talk very entertaining and informational on how the professional design process works. I actually really appreciated the fact he used a book design example that ended up being rejected. I thought the talk itself was wrapped up in a hilarious way by showing the alternate book cover, not designed by him that ultimately gets chosen. It was somewhat inspirational hearing a rejection story from such a well known and respected designer

“Designing Books is no Laughing matter. Ok, it is”

            I found this talk very inspiring and perfect for starting this book project. I loved hearing about his approach to solving the visual problem of the book cover. He talked about the value of intrigue and salesmanship when it came to designing a cover as well as the importance of insight to the story itself and making sure every decision is relevant to the story and the genre of book. I also enjoyed how he encorporates the entire book jacket into his design and thinks how the spine and back are effected just as much as the front. He takes on a responsibility when designing a jacket and understands the aspect of reading a book by it’s cover and getting the book the attention it deserves.

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