Friday, March 27, 2015


To prepare for testing I took the liberty of making minor refinements to my original first three pieces and continued to mock up my expanding pieces to withstand interaction and get the point crossed. These version of mock ups were what my "testers" were subjected to.

Piece 1's 

Piece 2's

My piece 2's consisted of a sticker poster mocked up with wax paper and separate cut outs to give the "sticker" illusion, however, if pursued, would most likely take form of an actual sticker poster. 
My take away reminders consisted of an oil bird magnet to correspond with the foldable magnet usage, as well as bumper stickers to help spread the word. 
The piece to correspond with the app was a mocked up key chain with a barcode leading you to the app itself. 

To test these sets as a whole on some volunteers I set up a room where people could maneuver around them comfortably with labels and minimal speaking directions from me in the moment. 

And this is how the room was set up in general with the poster in easy visual access, the pieces displayed and labeled on the table top with the exception of the hanging feather gloves on the far wall. 

After my 4 testers acquainted themselves with the material I gave them these questions to answer. 

Out of these three expansions:

            Which were you most intrigued by or attracted to?

            Which was the easiest for you to understand?

Which do you feel correlated the best with the poster, without distracting from it?

Would you take the time to give these expansions attention in a museum?

Would you consider these expansions to successfully support the poster? Which do you find the most successful? Which do you find the least?

2nd pieces:
Which 2nd correlating piece made you feel the most inspired about the need for change?

Which 2nd piece would you be most inspired to participate in?

I had them respond in written form so they could easily and thoughtfully form their critique and opinion without pressure of direct confrontation. It also makes the process of revising my mock ups and making directional decisions when I can look back on feedback again and again. 

Thorough the feedback I received, I gained a lot of perspective on what my testers responded the most positively to and what was most ineffective. The app was by far a winner amongst this group, with the feather gloves coming in a tight second in comparison to the foldable. Overall as a group found the feathers to be very intriguing, the foldable straight forward, but the app most successful and amusing. One of my testers said she found it to be successful in the way it "pulled at your heart strings but didn't make you want to turn away". The app was also successful in the way it attracted people with the technological aspect according to several testers. 
As far as the piece 2's the sticker poster was a great favorite. Several mentioned how much they enjoyed the interactiveness of it and how "It makes you feel like you can impact the future!" 

Through this testing process I think I decided to pursue the refinements of the app in relation to the expanding refinements of the sticker poster as well as the key chain.

Testing answers


Out of these three expansions:

            Which were you most intrigued by or attracted to?

I was most intrigued by the app

Which was the easiest for you to understand?

They were all incredibly easy to understand, but I would have to say the app.

Which do you feel correlated the best with the poster, without distracting from it?

The foldable probably correlates the best with the poster without being distracting, simply due to the fact that it is so straight forward.

Would you take the time to give these expansions attention in a museum?

Hell yes, because Demore’ is ridiculous at what she does! J

Would you consider these expansions to successfully support the poster? Which do you find the most successful? Which do you find the least?

These all support the poster. I think the app is most successful due to our technology driven world. Its hard to say which is the least because theyre all great.

2nd pieces:
Which 2nd correlating piece made you feel the most inspired about the need for change?

I like the gloves piece 2. I liked it because it was hands on.

Which 2nd piece would you be most inspired to participate in?

I would participate in all of these. I do like the idea that the app piece 2 is a keychain though. It always reminds others about the event.


Out of these three expansions:

            Which were you most intrigued by or attracted to?

I was most attracted to the feathers/glove, but intrigued by the app. The feathers were a cool idea and I understand the significance between them and the gloves, but I think w/o looking at the app first I would have been confused as to the differences between the words written on the blue/ black paper.

Which was the easiest for you to understand?

Easiest for me to understand was the app. I liked there was interaction with the animals and the symbols chosen to go with how we screwed up made it easy to understand. I also like that the app has the posters main center piece /logo/ whatever you want to call it has the home button. Also helps our society is very technology driven, but they could also take the message home on their smart phone!

Which do you feel correlated the best with the poster, without distracting from it?

The gloves distracted the least. I love the app and how you get the information, but I find technology sometimes distracting. The gloves intrigued by them and want to see what’s at the end of the feathers, but I don’t feel as distracted.

Would you take the time to give these expansions attention in a museum?

I would look at all of the expansions in a museum- I love this stuff. The feathers are fun because I am a child and want to play with them. App is fun because it is interactive with touching the characters to learn about them. The foldable is cool too for the fact you have everything written on little objects.

Would you consider these expansions to successfully support the poster? Which do you find the most successful? Which do you find the least?

Yes they support the poster. Most successful to support the poster was the app, yet at the same time im like “oh technology.. must press button” For me the least supporting would be the foldable just because it doesn’t intrigue me as much as the other two.

2nd pieces:
Which 2nd correlating piece made you feel the most inspired about the need for change?

For the need for change, the gloves 2nd piece because it was asking about all the ways you could be helping the environment by using less oil.

Which 2nd piece would you be most inspired to participate in?

Probably the sticker poster-  I like that it is almost like little things people do to be conscious instead of saying “GO GREEN, SAVE THE PLANET”- I feel like its more subtle, but it gets the point across.


Out of these three expansions:

            Which were you most intrigued by or attracted to?

I was most attracted to the app because it was fun and interactive.

Which was the easiest for you to understand?

The app as the material was presented on screen. AKA you just had to swipe to see it as opposed to manipulate materials. Material was presented in a way that pulled at your heart strings but it didn’t make you want to turn away. (like the holocaust museum some stuff was so graphic you have to turn away without reading it.)

Which do you feel correlated the best with the poster, without distracting from it?

The app J can you tell I liked it?

Would you take the time to give these expansions attention in a museum?

… the app. It was my favorite expantion. Also, children and adults would play w/ it. Technology really draws people in.

Would you consider these expansions to successfully support the poster? Which do you find the most successful? Which do you find the least?

I would say they all do a good job of providing information to support the poster. The app was most successful in my book. The foldable I felt was least effective.

2nd pieces:
Which 2nd correlating piece made you feel the most inspired about the need for change?

Gloves piece 2!

Which 2nd piece would you be most inspired to participate in?

Gloves! It makes you feel like you can impact the future!


Out of these three expansions:

            Which were you most intrigued by or attracted to?

I was more intrigued by the app. It was very well put together and I learned the most from it.

Which was the easiest for you to understand?

Easiest to understand was the app because the others took me a little to figure out how the information was being portrayed.

Which do you feel correlated the best with the poster, without distracting from it?

The app correlated best with the poster because it is simple and straight forward.

Would you take the time to give these expansions attention in a museum?

I would give the glove attentions at a museum because it is interactive

Would you consider these expansions to successfully support the poster? Which do you find the most successful? Which do you find the least?

The app was the most successful and the foldable was the least.

2nd pieces:
Which 2nd correlating piece made you feel the most inspired about the need for change?

The stickers because they provided a take away which in turn provided accountability to conservation.

Which 2nd piece would you be most inspired to participate in?

I would be more inspired to participate with the stickers.

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