Thursday, October 3, 2013

IDEO Video Summary

In the design field, corporations are much different from your average business corporation. They encourage craziness and wackiness. The bosses encourage to be defied and make sure everyone has a voice. There the boss doesn’t make all the rules and there isn’t just one person in charge. In the design work place it’s the person with the most interesting idea who has the floor. There you don’t get the job because of your experience and wisdom, you get the job from your ideas and what you are able to come up with. It’s truly a place where creativity is key. They promote chaos and playfulness. They follow the motto of act first and ask for forgiveness later.
In the video it is obvious there is a process to the madness. There is a brainstorming process where the ideas are encouraged in quantity and not quality. The crazier the better. Then the ideas are voted on and after gathering information from outside sources and the teams are put to work on their prototypes. The design corporation is very different from any other business corporation. They are unique, chaotic, but very successful in their methods.

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