Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Writers Toolbox Reflection

Mind Mapping
 Leonardo da Vinci showed us successful mind mapping in all of his sketchbooks filled with brainstorm webs, concept maps, and mind maps. It was obvious he used both sides of his brain in this process. The goal of a mind map is to develop the idea quickly and not to be questioned until later. Mind maps work by allowing a quick, spontaneous flow of thoughts. This gets people thinking outside of the box and helps in the long run with the over all problem solving process. Only reflect on your mind map when you are finished.

Free writing
Free writing is like quick mind map journaling. Unfocused freewriting allows you to freely make word lists of any type of thought you might have pertaining to the idea. In focused freewriting you are addressing a specific question or idea. When you are finished with your free write you can start looping which is a process of reviewing your freewrite and editing.

Brain writing
 Brain writing is Most successful when using a template or formula to help organize your ideas. The paper is passed within a group of people with enough time with each person for them to put down their personal ideas. Later this piece of paper will be discussed within the group to reach a conclusion.

Word lists
Many designers use word lists to distill a given problem certain elements. This works by just making a list of descriptive words that help generate ideas about the problem and ways to get to a conclusion. The words could include the way something sounds, looks, feels, smells, how it works, what its for. This process is to help the designer get a better understanding of the object and the ideas for their conclusion.

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