Sunday, October 6, 2013

Sippy Cup Reviews

Sippy Cups or Straw Cups?

Opinion 1:We have one straw cup and my child still tips it back really far as if he is drinking out of a sippy cup.  I like the straw cup better but we stick with the sippy cup because they are easier to clean and he is still new coming off the bottle.

Opinion 2: I like the straw cups, but they are harder to keep clean than sippy's. My child tends to play with the lid and pop it on and off to squirt with the straw. Very messy. I haven't heard of anything bad happening to a child from drinking out of a sippy.

Opinion 3: My little boy never liked sippy cups so he has always uses straws to drink he is now two yrs old and he's still with straws which is really good for their teeth. But a sippy cup is always good because there are no messes

Opion 4: We just started using some of the sippies with straws, which my kids love. An EI speech therapist also told us that these are better to suck on for speech development too.

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