Thursday, April 30, 2015

booklet and space refinements

In response to the critique I made some minor simplifying changes to the space and how it communicates with the viewer. I also completed a first draft of the booklet with some refinements. 

Space and booklet explorations

Taking from the critique I decided to pick one of the directions I had many of from my last design and encorporate more photographs and hand lettering instead of vectored drawings and many fonts. I redesigned the space to communicate more of a story than my last design but kept some aspects like the sky line and chicken door. I changed the color scheme slightly to liven up the atmosphere more than with the blue and orange that print a little darker than expected.

These are some beginning booklet explorations that correspond with the space.

Second Try

I started taking a different approach with the space when redesigning my museum. I decided to push away from the abstract linear feeling of the first and went for a more contextual overall feeling of jazz and Charlie Parker iconography that still communicates his story.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

blog post #6

These are some of my explorations of icons, index, and symbols representing the story of Charlie Parker's life as well as some exploration with floor plan ideas.

These are some photos I took of the first mock up I executed. The idea behind this design was an abstract expression of the events and stages in Charlie Parker's life.