Thursday, April 2, 2015

Project Statement

I deepened the audiences understanding of the 2010 oil spill of the Gulf of Mexico through an interactive app and corresponding, inspirational, location sensitive sticker posters. Through the app I generated an educational experience about the event through 3 categories: environment, people, economy. The objective of the posters is to generate an inspiration for oil consumption free actions.

I used pathos in the environmental section by “tap to save and animal”. It puts the viewer in the position of saving the, needing to be rescued, creatures. Once saved, they are shown how the specific animals suffered from this event. I used logos to educate how the overall economy was affected from our mistakes and to generate a somewhat shock appeal if they had not already known the facts. I used a combination of the two to generate an understanding of our mistakes that day in the “people” section and hope that between these three categories, the audience is inspired to move towards a change in our oil dependency.

I considered the context greatly when deciding between the three prototypes. I decided on the app due to my user testing information. The testers were the most intrigued by the app, they felt the most educated by the app, and the presentation is recognizable and not as distracting as some of my other interactive three dimensional options.

When picking a piece two I had to consider what would move and inspire people the most on this issue and also tie it back to the app itself. I landed on the idea of an inspirational sticker poster where people could reward themselves with specific acts whether they be taking public transportation, choosing paper over plastic, and maybe even riding a bike instead of using a car. Any of these posters would be located in an appropriate area, given the type of sticker being offered, for the public to reward themselves and be inspired by.

These pieces were able to correspond together easily with the correlation of color, topic, and the barcode present on the poster connecting the viewer back to the original piece, being the educational interactive app present next to the original corresponding poster also represented in the app itself.

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