Thursday, April 2, 2015

more box explorations

For this portion of exploration, I really concentrated on taking the majority of my work away from the computer and into the physical realm out side of the digital world. I experimented with india ink, rice, toast, crayons, cut paper, other writing utensils and rice krispies themselves to make different letter forms before turning to the help of technology to make these creations useful. I really liked this process and how much it really freed me from my own over analytical mind set of how I view design and how it should be manipulated. What I've really grown to enjoy about this project is how much it is pushing me outside of my comfort zone :)


  1. The way that the texture leaps off the page, on some of these boxes, is very inviting. I really enjoy how you are using jagged type and separating the copy. I do think you could explore more with the hierarchy of the Rice Krispies part and maybe not make it the main focus. I enjoy how the box is almost interactive with the way you have to turn the box to read, so maybe try that with some of the body copy. Great work!

  2. I think it is interesting that you are using black and white for your cereal boxes. Those colors will really draw people in because the cereal aisles are usually full of bright colors and lots of cartoons. I like how you took a more sophisticated route.
